3 Helpful Tips for Selling Your Junked Car Scam-Free

After deliberating on it for quite some time, you’ve finally accepted the fact that the old car in your driveway, garage, or backyard is beyond saving. It’s time to sell it as a junked vehicle.

With the Internet making it easier to sell anything and everything, finding the right buyer for your once-running item is no longer the challenging endeavor that it used to be. When done right, in fact, selling your junk car online can lead to an even bigger return than you’d ever expect because the best deals and buyers willing to pay the right price are all over the Internet. 

As you continue to write your listing description, note the vital details, and take accompanying pictures, you’re almost ready to sell your junked vehicle for some extra cash. However, you might be feeling a bit of hesitation over proceeding with your transaction because of the fear of getting scammed. 

You can avoid this unfortunate fate if you take the right tips into mind and employ the right approach.

Stay Scam-Free With These Tips

Now that you’re ready to post your junk car up for sale, it’s essential to take a few more steps so that you can carry out a successful transaction scam-free. With the help of these tips, you won’t need to worry about losing your vehicle and not getting any cash in return.

Tip #1: Ask for Multiple Quotes

Scams don’t always have to entail selling something and not getting any money back for it. Sometimes, it can also mean parting ways with a car for a much lower price than justified. 

As with any other kind of selling sector, the junk car market is full of lowballers that are looking to undercut unsuspecting sellers for a measly margin of profit at the cost of decency. By getting quotes from multiple sources, however, you won’t need to worry about missing out on extra, well-due profit because it will help you establish the right price to sell your vehicle for.

Tip #2: Request a Downpayment

Another way you can get scammed when selling a junk car is having a deal go so well up until the point where a buyer comes and tries to pay you less than what you agreed on. Although it doesn’t hurt to be a shrewd negotiator, there is such a thing as too much, especially when someone tries to pay you less and gives a poor excuse to justify doing so. To spare yourself from the risk of being undercut with a “hey, I only brought this” or “I had a ‘sudden expense come up,’” it’s best to ask half of what you agreed on as a deposit before you trade!

Tip #3: Use a Reputable Platform That Does All the Work for You

When it comes to getting justifiable prices for a junked car, nothing ensures a good deal better than sticking with a platform that does it all and lets you get exactly what you’re quoted. By choosing to sell your junk car with a platform like Best Price Cash For Cars, you won’t have to worry about missing the mark and getting lowballed ever again!


Selling a junk car can be a great way to make some good money when done right but experiencing the threat of getting scammed is something you need to watch out for. By keeping the key points, tips, and tricks we’ve shared in mind, you won’t need to worry about losing your hard-earned money or having your time wasted! If you’re looking to get cash for a junk car in the United States, Best Price Cash For Cars is here to help. Get in touch with us for a quote on your automobile!